Jenn and Ron Engagment

At the beginning of June, Taylor had the opportunity to have a quick engagement session with Jenn and Ron. Jenn was an RD with Taylor for two years. She now resides in Seattle, WA.....we are jealous. Fortunately for us, Jenn fell in love with a man from Beaver County, PA.
I was unable to attend this photo shoot, but Taylor returned home with a renewed passion for taking pictures. Taylor said that he had trouble getting Ron not to smile. I think the pictures capture a glimpse of how much fun these two are.

We had just as much fun shooting there wedding in July. Stay tuned for those pictures.

Nolan and Jessie

We charged the batteries, cleared the cards, and shook off the rust... Wedding season started off with a bang as we celebrated Nolan and Jessie's commitment. We were so honored to be a part of this day. I was blessed to have Nolan as an RA and to do life with him as he finished up college at Geneva. He is a stand up man who is admired and respected by many as was obvious by the party that came out to cheer them on to happily ever after. Jessie only increases the admiration and respect. They are both amazing and we loved spending the day with them!

As the photographer, you get the opportunity to share in some special moments. I love being in the back of the church as the bride waits to walk down the aisle. So many emotions, so much excitement. Jessie took a few deep breaths before going to meet her husband
- Joanna

I guess Jessie wanted to keep the first kiss private....

Mr. and Mrs. Patouillet....don't know how to pronounce the last name? Let the bridal party demonstrate for you....

Conratulations you two!